Lewis Duckworth

Lewis Duckworth is a socially driven designer from the UK. His work aims to influence and change perspectives on everyday practices, habits and objects. His work ranges from public interventions, installations, video media, products and publications that engage the public and collaborate with others. 

PCB Tray
PCB boards, tin-solder and single core copper wire
70 x 90 x 44mm

Although made from standard PCB boards, capacitors and soldering wire, this tray is not a functioning circuit but is instead a functional object. Kindred has built its community around electronic music, so I tried to build my object from it too by looking at electrical components as physical building blocks rather than electrical ones. 

Coat Hanger
Anodised aluminium
400 x 30 x 225mm

Although usually made to be covered and modest, coat hangers are strange, beautiful objects. I wanted these to be bold and have a presence in the space when uncovered, or not.